How do I make a booking with Akbar Express?

You can make a booking in different ways:
1. Call us on our contact number given on website.
2. Emailing us with travel requirements and contact details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How far in advance should I book my coach?

You can book your Coach, HiAce, Buses, or Coasters anytime you want, but the sooner the better. Although Akbar Express has a large fleet, there are certain times of the year when all our vehicles are booked. To guarantee the availability of your desired vehicle for your dates, we recommend that you get a quote and book as soon as possible.

What are your cancellation terms?

We cooperate with our customers and provide them full refund when the booking is canceled on time. If you are traveling emirate to emirate, have chosen to book our travel coaches for full or half-day, or booked custom tours or hotel/airport transfers, you need to cancel your booking 48hrs in advance.

Will I travel on the same coach from my joining point until I reach the hotel?

Depending on the location of your pickup point, you may be picked up by coach, coaster, or bus that you have booked. Our vehicles will arrive at the destination that you have mentioned. We ensure to provide you with the most pleasant travel from the airport to the hotel.

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